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Name: Reynold
Age: 13
Birthday: 6th November 1995
School: Maris Stella High School
(All the rest are Confidential)


ChEk SiAnG
KaI FoNg
Ye RoNg
En HaO
XuE Qi
SoCk Yii
ShIn HaO
Hui TiNg
Yu HuI

October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009

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Saturday, June 20, 2009
Malaysia Trip Day 1-2
Hahaz, I know everyone noe I back from Malaysia weeks ago liao, but juz to revive the blog, come here post liao. Firstly must say that most of the time spent in the car when travelling from one place to another was spent on SLeEpInG...Zzz... Of course sometimes when feel juz wan relack relack, take out PSP, listen some music, yea. 1st day went to KL, actually this was a stop-by before we continue to Cameron Highlands, which was waaaaaaaayyyyyy fffffuuuuurrrrrttttthhhheeerrrr. We stay in Radius International Hotel there, had a swim there too. O_O one thing dam funny was the toilet was ****CLASS****. But, the room was SMALL. We need to tilt one of out two single beds over the other to overlap each other a little so that we can fit in. I end up sleeping 45 degrees off ground, lol? But so wad, end up oso sleeeeeeep all the way even though I slept ALOT in the car on the trip from Singapore to KL. Oh yeah, b4 me forget, I could use internet in my PSP there! woots, free network, somemore chatted with friends through status updates, too bad couldn't use the chat function cuz its not the full site, only can do status updates, sadded, cant play Facebook games... Okay, next day!!!
Wah, woke up next day by call from dad, saying that my brother who was sharing bed with me go over the other bed where my mum and dad was previously sleeping, and my dad coming over to the halfway tilted bed to sleep, he said he dunnid much space and that I can take the whole bed, but that time was like 7+, no energy to move, so little by little slouch over. Haha. Then after that I dun even noe I gt sleep or not, but whatever, later in car, sleeeeeeeeep again.....zzz...... Woots this time go Cameron Highlands le, up mountain!!! On aircon in car halfway up then the next half open window... woah so cooling, woots! Once we go in to the town at the top of the mountain, I dunno what happen, but I was sleeping when my parents somehow asked a boy to guide us to out hotel. Soon we found the hotel, I was called Chua Gin Hotel, and another thing damn funny is the toilet was FREAKING small!!! T_T But the bedroom was big enough so yea, it was alright. Woah, after that slack all the way ler... ^^ We walked around later on, and ate at a Chinese restaurant, lol... I was the only one who ate noodles, rest off family eat rice, but nvm, noodles tasted nice! :D We ordered some other dishes to go along and Ooomph, stomach full le!!! After that, we walked around and went pasar malam look see look see, saw lots of food there, but couldn't eat liao, haiz. Later walk back to hotel, then play PSP all the way, then sleeeeeeeeepz.......zzz.zz.......zzz......

OK, thats all for Day 1-2, dun wan type anymore le, l8r too wordly look like shyt, next time then update Days 3-4... haha.
Memory scared here on 6:34 AM

Sunday, May 24, 2009
OMG, tmr is inter-school competition le, heard that my opponent from my fren in bowen that he is short, but i dun really take that as an advantage, cuz i noe short ppl oso can own me, wth. But at least, gt 3 ppl fighting in my category, so cfm sure get bronze even if i lose, but of course I wan gold, but gold seems to be even harder than I thought, as I cant even go over the thought that I will lose mentally, not to mention physically, OMG. Also, as only the 3 ppl are me, another guy from MSHS, and another guy from bowen, even if i get gold oso wun affect medal tally de, so should i feel demoralized as even if i get a gold its useless, or should i feel motivated as even if i lose oso wun pull my tkd club down???? Confusion. Haiz, jus try my best to win can le, i am not that type of alot of confidence type of ppl, so feeling dam emo now. Ok...going to go...back..to emoing....le....bye.....ZzZz...
Memory scared here on 6:13 AM

Friday, May 15, 2009
SA1 exams over
Totally screwed up my marks in SA1, always having careless mistakes here and there, dun think can be 2nd, maybe will drop to 20th position le.... Anyways, wth am i talking about exams when they are over? Retarded. Son, now gt the H1N1 virus shyt, almost everyday need to take the dam temperature, but wadeva. Other things still ok la, juz that after exams, still have Tae Kwon Do competition on 25th May, would be best if u all give me all ur support to whoever whos reading this. Today den found out that only 2 ppl fighting in my category, Me and another guy. So that means I confirm will either tio silver or gold le. Gold is best though silver sounds nice, yea. Oh yeah, my facebook gonna chiong upload all my pictures of places which i have been to, or else my profile gonna suck liao, cuz no photo at all, only my dp. Sian. Other than upgrade facebook, this holidays i gonna chiong buy cool stuff liao. Wtf Sian, always wear the same stuff, I gonna chiong buy Crumpler bag too(cuz my bag is dam fake, ppl hu seen it should noe wad i mean), eh, talking about Crumpler, if anyone have recommendations of which type of sling(not backpack) bag to buy from Crumpler Stores, pls tell on Tag Board, ty ^^. I also need buy new sports shoes since mine is gonna break into pieces le. Should I buy flat ones from converse? Or should buy those really zai sports shoes from Royal Sporting House, or Sportslink? Same, if have recommendations pls tag ty ^^. Oh yeah, yesterday, went out with 2 frens to Compass Point, to buy present for Patrick, whose birthday was close. Woah, go action city that shop the things so zai, gt rubik cube can make into alarm clock, gt bread can make to keychain, also, we went to 77th Street to buy pencil box, wah I only contributed $5 to the total of $50!!!! Eh, this not I cheapskate arh, cuz I that day ony bought $10 there, Sry Patrick!!!! T_T.
Haiz, now dunno wad should do, always chionging MouseHunt and Restaurant City in facbook, downloading new songs and watching anime. Btw, ppl in Ex Primary School 6B class, if gt any class gathering pls tell me, cuz i wan go out sometimes or else I stay at home dam sian wan leh.... Tyty. Ok gtg chiong anime ler... byez
Memory scared here on 11:54 PM

Friday, April 17, 2009
Secondary Two Camp
Woah, thx to HFMD, gotta postpone the sec 2 camp which supposed to take place a few weeks ago to 31st March - 2nd April. Sian, 1st day when doing the shyt rock climbing and abseiling cheer too much for ppl until no voice sia... den somemore myself cant go up to the top... Den plus the breakfast, lunch and dinner oso gt spicy food make my throat worse. On top of that, wth, 1st April, April Fool, always some retard people come kajiao me..... 1st day, i like cant talk with full strength, den 2nd day, become cannot talk at all, 3rd day arh, HAIZ, throat become PAIN like crap. 2nd day, we need go pulau ubin and kayaking ma. Pulau Ubin okok la, jus that is like omfg lots of mosquitoes and some parts of the hike muddy.... den is the kayaking really dam sian... cuz i like dunno y everytime need to tell my partner behind me not to slack off like shyt and den i have to hold that dam heavy paddle all by myself... Wah, gt one time still, we keep wanting to turn the boat but we were like O_O when we keep moving forward instead of turning to the right. The student leaders oso so funny, some tell us go right side some tell us go left, we dunno wad do den good leh... Den b4 going back to sch, we need help carry all the heavy boats up for the teachers to wash and still need to put them back on the carrier lol. After finish we chiong to the bathroom there for a bath with suan hands. BUT, we still needed to w8 for some ppl who always take like 15min to bathe. Dam pissed off lor. They come out we ask them y they take so long, they say "we inside change". WTF. Suddenly the student ldr come in and tell us only got 5min left. And the queue was still never ending. How we gonna bathe with those kinda ppl hu take so long la? Haix, long story after that, den we go back, eat dinner, write the reflection den go sleep liaoz. Third day, when my throat totally like dead, we need wake up 6am sia. Den not only that, instead of on-ning the lights and 6am, they on at 5.30!!! wah, this 30min can help me a hell lot lol. Wadever, it was like this ever since last night. Oh yeah, still gt one thing, I not only have bad sore throat, my eyes dunno y turned red without me touching them, and I loss my appetite for breakfast!!! Omg, they had nasi lemak on that day's breakfast, wah suan. I no choice gib other ppl my food lor. That day, we need go Henderson Wave that part AGAIN. I last time went there b4 with my class and parents, but still nid go lol. This wan really nth to say cuz its juz same old route and takin' some group photos. We come back after our lunch at the hawker centre near vivo city and wth, I wan call my dad see if he can pick me up or not, den I still need to strain my voice like siao sia. I come back, another thing happen, i had slight headache. A day after that, I went to see doctor and he said I tio throat infection. Haiz, but so wad if i gt MC? I still need go for that extra Sec 3 combination talk, wah cant concentrate at all lor, I still in the drowsyness of the medicine..... Finish liao we straightaway go back liao, cuz I was like half dead and walking without looking. O_o Woo, now at least recover liao, but OMG. I lost total of 5kg after my whole sickness!!! Camping really is a good way of slimming down fast LOL.
Memory scared here on 10:23 PM

Friday, March 13, 2009
Posts in point forms
- Went to Chalet at DTE for Sec 2 Class gathering
- Changed CCA from Robotics to TKD
- Wah, so lucky dunnid do 200 pushups instructed by teacher juz to get into TKD, senior let me in, though.
- Previous CCA teacher just let me go change CCA quickly
- CT1 got highest in Math, History & Home Economics
- Overall got 2nd in class, AGAIN (Beaten by chairman)
- Hell lot of projects in March Holidays
- Got Literature, English, IPW, Physics, Biology and History
- Went to PTM jus yesterday
- Help cleap up classroom
- Today's TKD training damn tough
- Went to 6B gathering some time ago at AMK
- Went to europe for December Holidays
Memory scared here on 11:48 PM

Monday, December 8, 2008
Loads of Posts all at 0nce
(ANOTHER late post)
O_o My parents somehow became okay again... after their quarrel a few weeks back during late October. My birthday came shortly after that, on 6th Nov. We went to Tampines Mall to eat dinner @ Swensens. After eating, lol, I got a birthday ice-cream given FOC from the Swensens Shop itself. OMG, some ppl at other tables also had their b'daes on the same date as mine too. Wah, some of them even requested the staff to sing b'day song to them, and the birthday BoY or GiRl had to stand up on their chairs. Haiz... heng i never go tell them about my birthday... or else sure tio di siao wan....-_-|||  To summarize all my presents, (actually i only had 2) I gt a new handphone and watch from my mum and a PSP from my dad. ∂åmΩ , it was only a few weeks later, during my stay at my uncle's chalet, that I received the bad news that I bought a PSP that couldn't be modified!!!! (OoO) Haiz... kept trying to ask my parents if i could go sell my the one i juz bought and buy another PSP that could be modified, but all they could say was--- "Original is better" , "You want so many games for what?" , "You next year Sec.2 leh, still gt time play meh?" or "Maybe the PSP u have got other functions that those that are modified don't have?"   Whå† †h£ h£©k!!!! PSP is for GAMING WAD!!!!! What for u have a PSP that only has a UMD to play when u can download SO MANY OTHER GAMES!! And they oso said other functions oso can use, but music I can use handphone and video I MIGHT AS WELL WATCH TV!? Haiz... Now juz need to w8 for Chinese New Year to get Ang Baos to get money to buy a PSP that can be modified....
Ok, now on to the chalet stay I mentioned earlier.... I forgot where it was but i knew I stayed there for 2 days 1 night in the total of 3D2N. Nth much to write though... cuz all we did there was playing the arcade(lol, the arcade there is so cheap- only 80¢ per game or lesser) , swimming, following my relatives to go fishing or watching TV in the room.

(The End of ANOTHER LATE POST, sry) T.T
Memory scared here on 4:21 AM

Monday, November 3, 2008
Woo! I Gt A New HandPhone!!!
Woot!!! My mother bought me a new W910i handphone 3 days ago to reward me of my exam results. So happy...^^ Finally can have a MP3 and a camera too as they were in the handphone. The games in the phone are so much cooler than my older Nokia Phone. My mother so funny, wan buy a phone for me but doesn't wan to buy a phone for herself and instead wans to use her Nokia phone which does not have any special function... But at least she has an MP4 so she won't be so bored.
Memory scared here on 10:03 PM